The Hare and the Tortoise
A fable known very well throughout generations.
“This piece reflects my journey into economics, driven by frustration and a desire to understand how the world works. The artwork symbolises the current economic system, contrasting two opposing mindsets. The hare represents short-term thinking—fuelled by cheap credit, instant gratification, central planning, and debt-driven practices. The Tortoise, in contrast, embodies a long-term perspective, focused on delayed gratification and saving for the future.
The key difference is that The Tortoise doesn’t rely on external power or force to overcome the system's limitations. Instead, he innovates, using his resourcefulness and determination to escape the constraints imposed by the hare's world. With a can of beer in one hand and large hyperdrives he’s been building in his shed, The Tortoise represents the quiet, powerful force of individual creativity and independence.
The Hare, despite his momentary power, doesn’t realise, or at the least wont accept, that there’s an alternative path. He holds the guns (paid for with both of their future purchasing power) but he’s not actively seeking destruction; he simply doesn’t know any different. He doesn’t have the time. His future has already been sold. Every system, no matter how compromised, is built to survive, and The Hare's path is one of survival. Yet, it remains locked in a cycle that limits true progress.
I gave The Hare sharp, pointy, and aggressive features, contrasting with the smooth, calm, and cool aesthetics of The Tortoise. This visual difference highlights their contrasting personality types, and the world I feel they create. Emphasising the hare’s fear-driven, tetchy nature and The Tortoise’s powerful yet steady, innovative persistence.
Despite the complexity of this subject, the underlying theme of the piece is one of hope. It’s a reminder that innovation and escape are still possible, even within a compromised monetary system. The Tortoise's journey, though slow, is a hopeful one—showing that through creativity, persistence, and independence, we can forge a better future, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.”